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Chandan Kumar


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Remix Run Tutorial: Mongodb connection with Mongoose and Typegoose

We will use Typegoose to create MongoDB models instead of using Mongoose directly. "Typegoose is a "wrapper" for easily writing Mongoose…

reactjs, mongodb
Remix Firebase authentication on server side

Tutorial on using Firebase to authorize server side access in a Remix app. Remix has a good support for server side rendering. In this part…

reactjs, firebase, remix
Remix Tutorial: Firebase Authentication

New post on server side You can read up or watch the hands-on video. A short video tutorial on integrating Firebase authentication in…

reactjs, firebase, remix
Gatsby Tutorial: Embed responsive youtube video

A short (video) tutorial on how to embed a responsive Youtube video in Gatsby blog using theme-ui. This blog is based on Lekoarts, which…

reactjs, gatsby
Remix Run Tutorial: Mongodb connection with Mongoose

Refer to newer post on this at /blog/remix-mongodb-typescript-tutorial This is a short tutorial on integrating with Mongodb using…

reactjs, mongodb
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